"Oranges; fresh taste, superior quality, a gift from our farms to the tables of the world."


Export of tangerines


Tangerine export, as one of the valuable and popular agricultural products, plays an important role in the economy of some countries. Tangerine producing countries such as Iran, Spain, China, Turkey, and Egypt are among the largest exporters of this product to world markets.

Export of oranges


Export of oranges from Iran has a good demand from different countries. In recent years, we are facing an increase in orange exports from the north, especially the orchards of Mazandaran province. The export of oranges, like the export of tangerines, plays an important role in the economy of many countries that produce this product. Orange is one of the most popular fruits in the world, and producing countries such as Brazil, Spain, the United States, Egypt, and Mexico are among its largest exporters.

Kiwi export


Kiwi export is one of the important and growing sectors in the agricultural industry of many countries. This fruit is very popular in international markets due to its delicious taste, high nutritional properties and high content of vitamin C, E, and fiber. The main kiwi producing and exporting countries include New Zealand, Italy, Chile, and Iran.